/* shift.c -- It reads a sequence of positive integers. It stores it * in an array, then it prompts the user to enter an * integer, and then rotates clockwise the content of the * array a corresponding number of positions. The contents * the array are printed out whenever it changes. * For example, if the sequence was * 1,2,3,4,5 * and the number 3 is entered, the array becomes * 3,4,5,1,2 * and if the number 11 is now entered, the array becomes * 2,3,4,5,1 * and if the number -4 is now entered, the array becomes * 1,2,3,4,5 */ #include <stdio.h> #define MAXN 8 /* It prints the current content on the array a with n elements */ void printarray(int a[], int n); /* I will assume first that I have a number of functions then I will * write them. */ /* Given an array a with n values, shift rotates * its content m positions, clockwise. */ void shift(int a[], int n, int m); /* getint prompts the user to enter a positive integer and returns * its value. */ int getint(void); /* It requests the user to enter positive integers and stores * them in a. It returns in n the number of integers stored * in the array. */ void getarray(int a[], int *n); int main(void) { int table[MAXN]; /* array where we store the sequence */ int howmany=0; /* number of elements in sequence */ int amount; /* amount of shift */ getarray(table, &howmany); if (howmany==0) { printf("Sorry, you entered the null sequence. Good bye.\n"); }else { do { printarray(table,howmany); printf("By how much do you want to shift[0 to terminate]? "); scanf("%d",&amount); if (amount!=0) shift(table,howmany,amount); }while(amount!=0); } } /* Given an array a with n values, shift rotates * its content m positions, clockwise. */ void shift(int a[], int n, int m){ int temp[MAXN]; int lcv; if (m<0) m = n-(abs(m)%n); for (lcv=0;lcv<n;lcv++) temp[(lcv+m)%n] = a[lcv]; for (lcv=0; lcv<n;lcv++) a[lcv]=temp[lcv]; } /* getint prompts the user to enter a positive integer and returns * its value. */ int getint(void){ int answer; printf("Please enter a positive integer [<=0 to terminate] : "); scanf("%d", &answer); return answer; } /* It requests the user to enter positive integers and stores * them in a. It returns in n the number of integers stored * in the array. */ void getarray(int a[], int *n) { int answer; int i=0; do { answer = getint(); if (answer>0 && (i<MAXN)) a[i++]=answer; }while(answer>0 && (i<MAXN)); *n = i; } /* It prints the current content of the array a with n elements */ void printarray(int a[], int n) { int lcv; for (lcv=0;lcv<n;lcv++){ printf(" %d",a[lcv]); } printf("\n"); }
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