/* hmw10.c -- Outline of solution for homework 10 */ #include <stdio.h> #define ARRAYSIZE 2000 #define LINESIZE 65 typedef char linetype[LINESIZE]; int getline(FILE * fd, char buff[], int nmax){ /* It reads a line from fd and stores up to nmax of * its characters to buff. */ char c; int n=0; while ((c=getc(fd))!='\n'){ if(c==EOF)return EOF; if(n<nmax) buff[n++]=c; } buff[n]='\0'; return n; } int getStringArray(char *filename, linetype table[], int nmax) /* It reads up to nmax lines from file called filename and * stores them into table. It returns the numbers of lines read */ { FILE *fdu; /* File descriptor used for filename */ int i, j; char c; if((fdu=fopen(filename,"r"))==NULL){ perror("fopen"); exit(1); } i=j=0; while((c=getc(fdu))!=EOF){ if(i==nmax)break; /* We have filled up the table */ if (c=='\n'){ /* We have finished reading a line */ table[i++][j]='\0'; j=0; }else if(j<LINESIZE) table[i][j++]=c; } fclose(fdu); return i; } void writeStringArray(char *filename, linetype table[], int n) /* It writes the first n lines of table into the file * called filename */ { FILE *fdu; /* File descriptor used for filename */ int i; if((fdu=fopen(filename,"w"))==NULL){ perror("fopen"); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) fprintf(fdu, "%s\n", table[i]); fclose(fdu); } void stringBubble(linetype table[], int n){ /* This function sorts the first n lines of table. * Here you see just the prototype, or stub, of the function. */ } int stringBinary(linetype table[], int n, char who[]){ /* It searches the first n positions of table looking for who. * It uses binary search. It returns the position where who is * found, or -1 if not there. This is just the prototype, or stub, * of the function. */ return -1; } int main(void){ int n; linetype linearray[ARRAYSIZE]; linetype who; int where; FILE *fdw; /* FILE descriptor used for "who.dat" */ FILE *fda; /* File descriptor used for "answers.dat" */ /* Read unsorted.dat into linearray and return number of lines read */ n = getStringArray("unsorted.dat", linearray, ARRAYSIZE); if (n==0){ printf("The unsorted.dat file is empty. Good bye.\n"); exit(0); } /* Sort the first n lines of linearray */ stringBubble(linearray,n); /* Save the sorted array to sorted.dat */ writeStringArray("sorted.dat",linearray,n); /* Open for reading who.dat */ if((fdw=fopen("who.dat","r"))==NULL){ perror("fopen"); exit(1); } /* Open for writing answers.dat */ if((fda=fopen("answers.dat","w"))==NULL){ perror("fopen"); exit(1); } while (getline(fdw,who,LINESIZE-1)!=EOF){ /* Read a line from "who.dat" */ where = stringBinary(linearray,n,who); /* See where it is in table */ fprintf(fda,"%d\n",where); /* Write position to "answer.dat*/ } fclose(fdw); fclose(fda); }
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