Renew email address

I have an email account at Yahoo [deleted email address] which I haven't used for some time. I couldn't access it today and came to know that it has probably been deleted. How can I renew my email address because it has many important messages and photos which I need now? Thanks for your help.
Kelly Hamilton
Just like everything else in life, email addresses too can expire. The lifespan of the email account depends on the service you use. For instance, at the time of writing, Yahoo will automatically delete the free account as well as its contents if you haven't logged in at least once in the past 4 months. This period of inactivity is about 9 months for both Gmail and Hotmail. So if the account has indeed been deleted, can you renew the email address? Read on.

How to renew an email account

renew-email-addressPlease understand that if a free Yahoo! email account has been closed because of inactivity, all messages and other content will be deleted forever. There is no way you can get your hands on these. However, you may be able to renew the email address as long as it's available, i.e., someone else hasn't chosen it.

The process of rejuvenating your email address depends on the service. For example, in Hotmail, you may be able to regain control of your account quickly without filling up the form all over again... you will however, lose all the stored messages.
As far as I know, the only way to renew a Yahoo!Mail email address that has been closed by the service is to sign up for a fresh account, keep your fingers crossed and pray that the old ID is still available.