How to make a blog web site?

A blog, also called a web-log, is a type of web site. Past few years, blogs have become very popular as these are extremely easy to create and even simpler to manage and update. And with many free blog services that have mushroomed, this segment of the internet has grown exponentially. In this article I shall be providing instructions on how you can make a blog web site for free using one of the best services - Google's Blogger. I've also included screenshots so that you can follow the directions easily and get an online presence quickly.

Whether you want to make a blog for yourself or for your company, the process is almost the same. And since this article has been written primarily for the beginner, I assume little or no technical knowledge - you should, however, know how to operate a computer and surf the internet.

Please understand that there are several ways to make blog for free - you can even put up one on your web site - but to make things simple to digest we shall be working only with the Blogger service.

Blogger - Google's free service in which you can make a blog
Head off to or click on that link. To make your first blog at Blogger, you need to first get an account at the service or use an existing Google account. Thus, if you already have a Gmail email account, use the same username and password to sign in and jump straight to how to create a blog web site page for detailed instructions and screenshots.

For people who don't have Google account; please follow the steps below.

Making a Google account
FYI, detailed instructions can be found on how do I create a Google account but if you don't want to jump across pages, here is a brief on the same.

Click on the large orange colored "Create a blog" button on the page.
Enter your email address in the first two fields. Don't have one yet? Please refer how to get an email address for details. Choose a password and put it in the next two fields. Keep an eye on the password strength bar and make sure it's not something people can guess outright and, at the same time, it's not so complex that even you are not able to recall later on. The next field requires you to type in a display name which can be your real name or something else... whatever you want. The process is almost over - try to decipher the wavy security text and enter it in the field below. Hit on the "Continue" button when done.
Open another browser window / tab and go to the email account you had entered when making the blog account. You should see an email from Google asking you to verify the newly created account - click on the appropriate link.

Hold on to your horses, the fun is about to start - read the next page to know how to create a blog web site.