Get More Advertise

get-more-advertisersHave an “Advertise with Us” page
This is the most basic and important way to get noticed by the advertisers. It should click to an advertisinginformation page, and provide easy details on the issue and have an easy way to contact you for further information. Have a graphical image to attract advertisers.
Be specific
Know your niche and let it be very specific, so that visitors are interested in clicking the ads about the same niche your are writing about. There by both advertiser and publisher makes money. For example if you have an ad of “food” on a blogging tips site then visitors won’t click that ad, or rather if you had a ad of “web designing”, then probability of click through rate is more.
Show them banners and ad space
Provide every other detail to your blog, the specification of ad space and the cost of it. Also allowable formats and links. This is good way to strategise, because depending on the ad space available you provide the chance to the advertiser so as what is to be chosen?
Boast about your site
Tell the advertisers why should they advertise on your blog. Provide them at least two solid reasons and proof. Show them your blog stats and traffic.
Have “About Us” page
The advertiser should be able to know more about the site and the site owner, so make it simple to have a contact for more information about your blog.
Throw a “Free Bonus”
This is a marketing strategy, if you are advertising then this is important. For example, say you have a 125×125 ad space which costs $10 per month, that makes a $30 for 3months. Other wise – Ask you advertisers to book for 3months and get a 15days extra advertising.
So be creative in your thinking, marketing and promoting is a important part of advertising.
Facebook Strategy
When facebook started, initially it did not have any advertising on its page until it hit a 150million users. People stay on facebook – because its “Cool!”, and ads are uncool. Anyways, Facebook advertising started when they decided to monetize their site. So, advertising is the way to make money but think on “How to advertise?” Many a times the better the quality of the offer, people will definitely buy it.
Know your niche and let it be professional
Keep you advertising space to limit, and focus more on your niche and content. And always remember let it be professional. Visitors like professional, and every now and then if they receive pop-ups they would hate your site, and remember “love is better than hate!”.
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